
Significance of GOOD FRIDAY!

Good Friday has a vital significance festival for Christians. In the Holy Bible, it is stated – Jesus Christ was born and ended his life on a cross. As he was the ‘Son of God’ he rose from his dead life to eternal life. Good Friday is a spirit-driven magnitude day that reminds us of the sacrifices […]



HOLI – The Celebratory of Colors!

  However, Holi is a profound meaning festival. It embarks the presence of season spring with color all around filled with zeal and pleasure. It is a festival-filled opportunity to forgive and forget. In amidst of the thrill one can strengthen their relationship, share their happiness and show affection and respect for one another. Holi is a[…]

how to plan a marketing budget



MARKETING BUDGET – The basic of budgeting!

Definition – A Marketing Budget is an essential amount of marketing ploy in terms of costs, required to promote your products or services. Generally, it includes office costs, employing staff, promoting costs for advertising and public relations, schedule, and another sort of expenses. The important objective about a marketing budget is that it ensures your campaigns are[…]