It is high time that we should be obsessed with the environment rather than about our looks. Though, it is a debatable question for going to Mars or not? What I suggest that now that we don’t have an alternative planet to live on. Let us preserve what we have at the present moment of time – The Earth & Environment!

World Health Organization has joined its team with the United Nations Decade for the restoration of the Ecosystem and the Environment. It is a mission to prevent our environment from getting vanished. Rather it will help us to diversify and sustain our life which is in chaos.
Every year on the 5th of June, people all over the country celebrate this day as World Environment Day. It is somewhat one of the biggest annual events that take place in the entire countries of the world. This year’s theme is A World to Reimagine, Recreate & Restore.

The significance of this theme is to focus on the environment as it is the prime reason that the earth is a living and generating life planet. Nature and the environment is not a thing to be taken granted or neglected about. Rather, this day is celebrated to remind the people of the importance and balance it has created. The world needs to acknowledge the facts and respect everything that is in bound with it.

While the entire world was in lockdown for the deadly attack of coronavirus, our mother nature has healed a bit from it. In the absence of human activities and abuse to it, nature was cleaning itself and reclaiming its own space making itself greener.

Let us learn this in order to make our life worth living with luxury, let us not devastate the nature that has and giving us a life to hold on to!

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