‘Cyber Monday’ is also termed as ‘Blue Monday’. It is equivalent to Black Friday, but for online purchases. The meaning of this term in a marketing sense is the following Monday after the Thanksgiving Holiday. The date falls from 26th November to 2nd December. Basically, it depends on the year. This day is offered as a competition […]
‘Black Friday’ was not always known as this term. This term gained popularity in the early 1980s and originated from Philadelphia. This day is the start of the unofficial shopping holiday for ‘Christmas & Winter’. The very next day of U.S Thanksgiving. The alternative derivation of this day is that in order to make a profit for[…]
Thanksgiving is a celebratory day for being thankful. Earlier, this day was not an official holiday. Later, in the chaos of the Civil War, American President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed this day. This day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, Brazil, Norfolk Island, Leiden, and the inhabitant territories of the United States. The real[…]